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Article: How Aromatherapy Can Be Tailored For You

How aromatherapy can be tailored for you

How Aromatherapy Can Be Tailored For You

With Summer on its way out we’re beginning to sink back into our routines or even craving to forge new ones that work better for us. Winding down into cooler temperatures and slightly shorter days you may find yourself reaching for the blanket or a hot tea when you get in from work.

After a busy Summer, we can find ourselves feeling a little burnt out or overwhelmed. Firing ourselves back into work or university schedules after holiday season. It can be tricky trying to balance everything and allowing ourselves that much needed time out!

No matter how you are feeling, aromatherapy can be tailored to you. Helping you feel soothed, relaxed and focused for the months ahead as we start to wind down into a new season.

ceramic candles and diffusers by osmology decoratively placed on coffee table in neutral tones

Aromatherapy For Better Sleep

After a busy day at work with those deadlines looming it can be hard to unwind and relax your mind, especially when you’re ready to drift off into a deep sleep. This is a great time where the soothing and relaxing effects of essential oils can help.

Essential oils used in aromatherapy work by soothing the central nervous system, which allows our heart rate to slow and our brain activity to lessen so we can switch off and in turn, help us feel ready to fall into a dreamy and relaxing sleep.

Essential oils that will be your evening companions are Lavender, Frankincense & Cedar.

Sleep Happy Duo - Lavender Bergamot and Chamomile

If you’re looking to take a trip to dreamland, why not try our fragrances below?

  • Before Sleep candle and reed diffuser from our Aromatherapy collection
  • Dream Catcher candle and reed diffuser from our Aromatherapy collection
  • Heavily meditated candle and reed diffuser from our Aromatherapy collection

Aromatherapy Improves Focus

After a busy summer and adjusting back into a slightly slower and more focused routine it’s still easy to get distracted with new change. If you’re finding yourself in this situation and wanting to settle into new routines back at home, work, or university we suggest diving into these essential oils Peppermint, Bergamot, Lemon & Eucalyptus.

Used in aromatherapy these mood-boosting scents can help regulate serotonin and dopamine in the brain which helps you to focus and elevate your mood. Using aromatherapy to aid your focus can be so beneficial not to mention uplifting.

Why not stick a diffuser on your desk at work or home office to help inspire you throughout your day.

Osmology Citrus Tonic jar candle with lit candle flame on coffee table, Citrus Tonic diffuser behind with a mug, woman sat in background

If you want an extra boost to help you focus we recommend trying:

  • Citrus Tonic candle and reed diffuser from our Botanical collection
  • Herbal Tea candle and reed diffuser from our Botanical Collection
  • Positive Energy candle and reed diffuser from our Aromatherapy Collection

Aromatherapy For Relaxing

We all know the importance of having time to yourself. Whatever you do to relax make sure allowing yourself this time, even if it’s just 20 minutes. We’re all guilty of saying yes at times when we should say no.

We’re advocates for self-care here at Osmology and you can guarantee ‘relax’ looks different to everyone in the team. With an infinite supply of soothing scents here our favourite essential oils for relaxing are Chamomile, Neroli and Rose.

These essential oils can help soothe your central nervous system so your heart rate slows and your cortisol levels decrease.

So, whatever your unwinding rituals look like. Having a bath, meditating, yoga or reading there is nothing better than using aromatherapy. Sink into pure bliss and enjoy some quality you time!

Dream Catcher Gift Set - Lavender Patchouli and Orange

If you are wanting to relax in your down time we recommend:

  • Black Oak candle and reed diffuser from our Botanical collection
  • Heavily meditated candle and reed diffuser from our Aromatherapy collection
  • Japanese Garden candle and reed diffuser from our Fernweh collection

Aromatherapy For Mood-Boosting

Need a boost? Got an early meeting you’ve not been looking forward to, woken up to grey skies and a huge to-do list? This is where essential oils and aromatherapy will be your best friend. Look out for these oils for an instant uplift. Pink Grapefruit, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang.

We’d recommend trying a diffuser either in your bathroom or bedroom. The inhalation of essential oils helps to trigger those hormones we like to call happy hormones. Sometimes all we need is a little boost at the start of the day to uplift our spirits and then we are in for a good day.

osmology good vibes pink candle sat in sunny kitchen setting

If you want something to help uplift your spirits we recommend:

  • Fig leaf candle and reed diffuser from our Botanical collection
  • Eternal Optimist candle and reed diffuser from our Aromatherapy collection
  • Positive Energy candle and reed diffuser from our Aromatherapy collection


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